Until now, Diesel has been a key fuel in both industrial and commercial facilities, be it in generators or boilers, diesel has always been the most reliable and accessible fuel.
In the past decade, however, the landscape has been rapidly changing. Rising diesel prices, access to cheaper natural gas and increasing environmental regulations, have made diesel an expensive and polluting fuel. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. The combustion of natural gas leaves no ash or particulate matter, and very small amounts of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Natural gas emits 22% less carbon dioxide than oil and 40% less than coal. NOx is reduced by more than 90% and SOx by more than 95%.
Industries are now starting to recognize this and seek alternatives. Replacing the generators and boilers is a very expensive proposition but what if the existing equipment could be converted with little to no upfront investment? This is where we come in. We convert your diesel generators and boilers to natural gas. And you pay us from your diesel savings.
We work with our customers to figure out the energy questions that could unlock real savings for their facility. Usually, Companies will sell you their conversion kits and trap you in expensive annual maintenance contracts (AMCs). Does this technology work? Are you able to unlock the predicted savings? How do you even calculate these savings? It is all your problem.
At Energeia, the savings come first.
We operate on a shared savings model i.e. we only get paid when you save money. We share the upfront capital cost of the installation with our customer and in return, the customer shares a part of the savings generated by our solution for a fixed time period, making us both equally invested and committed throughout the project. After the tenure of the contract, all the savings and the equipment is yours. Then we move on to finding the next energy savings opportunity for you!
This proprietary solution uses data from load, temperature and vibration sensors to detect and replace the right amount of diesel in the generator’s combustion chamber while protecting the life and power rating of the generator.
Can substitute up to 70% of the Diesel with Natural Gas
The Gas Train and Control Solution is imported from Europe and the US
Technology has been developed by our partners in Australia and Colorado, USA
Tested and deployed on various Cummins, Volvo, and Kirloskar generators in India
Reduce NOx emissions by up to 60% and CO2 emissions by up to 15%
The flow of gas is controlled through a robust industrial PLC panel. The following parameters are monitored to ensure safety and smooth operation of the generator.
Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor to protect against overheating
Electrical Load to protect against overload conditions and turning off gas at low loads to avoid incomplete combustion
Engine Vibration Sensor to limit gas injection in case of misfire or unstable combustion or speed governing issues
We believe these calculations should be rooted in real data and not estimates or manual readings. This is why we install the following sensors:
Electricity Meter - To monitor the kWh units produced
Gas Flow Meter - To monitor the gas consumed by the generator
Diesel Flow Meter - To monitor the diesel consumed by the generator
These meters are connected to Energeia’s IoT platform, which sends data in real time to Energeia’s servers and calculates cost savings. The data and calculations can be viewed and verified by both the customer and Energeia this platform.​
It's Cleaner, Safer & more Economical
Want to see how much you can save? Calculate for yourself.
Just sit back, watch your diesel bill reduce by 30%, and pay us with your savings.
Find further information at www.convertdgtogas.com
Steam is a basic requirement for many such industries as Textile, Cement and Automobile, making Boilers indispensable to running operations in these facilities. But at the same time, boilers account for a majority of fuel and maintenance expenses for any facility. There are many incentives for facility managers to convert boiler fuels from Diesel to Natural Gas. The key drivers are not only the relative costs of the fuel themselves, but also the reliability, lower maintenance costs and significantly lower emissions.
The flow of gas is controlled through a robust Relay based Control Panel. The safety shut off valve and safety relief valves ensure that the Natural Gas flow to the burner is well regulated and controlled.
Converting a Boiler from Diesel to Natural Gas requires a new burner system and a new fuel delivery system (Gas Train). Additionally a ceramic blanket and a new relay based control system is provided to completely upgrade the existing boiler.
The Burner retrofit is provided by OILON, Finland. OILON has a diversified array of steam and boiler assets across the world and are considered to be pioneers of steam solutions. Each and every burner retrofit design is customised as per to the customers existing boiler specifications. These retrofits are manufactured according to a stringent quality control programme and are ISO 9001 certified quality system. Their manufacturing plants are certified by ISO 14001 environmental management and their burners are built to match internationally accepted norms and EU standards like EN230, EN267 and EN676.
The gas train consists of: Ball valve • Gas Filter • High Pressure Gas Regulator • Safety Shut off Valve • Safety Relief Valve • Gas Pressure Gauges with Isolation Valves • Gas Pressure Low Switch
We believe these calculations should be rooted in real data and not estimates or manual readings. This is why we install the following sensors:
Steam Flow Meter - To monitor the volume of steam produced
Gas Flow Meter - To monitor the gas consumed by the boiler
Diesel Flow Meter - To monitor the diesel consumed previously by the boiler
The boiler fuel usage is baselined on pure diesel operation. Steam produced in an hour is recorded against Diesel consumed in an hour to identify hourly cost of steam generation at average load. In the retrofitted boiler, steam produced in an hour is recorded against Natural Gas consumption in an hour to identify new cost of steam generation.
All of these meters are connected to Energeia’s IoT platform, which sends data in real time to Energeia’s servers and calculates real time cost savings. Both, the customer and Energeia have access to this platform, making savings digitally verifiable at any given point of time. This platform also helps Boiler Operators and Facility Managers to monitor the real time performance of their boilers.